Salads I raw vegetables from the buffet I vinegars
cold-pressed oils I homemade dressings
Jelly of boiled beef I seed oil I carrot
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… from the soup pot:
Apple-cider-celery soup I croutons
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… main courses to choose:
Pink fillet of straw pork I horseradish
carrot I caraway potatoes
Rainbow trout fillet
barley ragout I saffron I radish
from the vegetarian kitchen:
Beetroot gnocchi I cream cabbage
blue cheese I roasted almonds
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Interpretation of the Carinthian ‘Reindling’
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True to our motto "exquisite cuisine in an elegant ambience" we ask you please to dress in appropriate clothing for dinner.
No sportswear, cycling-, or hiking shorts, and no slippers are to be worn.
Thank you for your understanding.